God Gave Us Love by Lisa Tawn Bergern with art by Laura J. Bryant introduces kids to God’s amazing love. In this short board book Little Cub discusses with his Grandpa the nature of love; including love for family and others, like otters who can be tough to love. Grandpa teaches Little Cub about the great depth of God’s love and how we in response should love those that are just not loveable, like our family, but also unlovable otters. The lesson is told accompanying by charming illustrations of Little Cub and his family, and even otters.
This is a review of a board book edition of this title which have previously been printed in other formats. It is packaged and targeted for children 0 to 3. And honestly it does not work well. For a board book, there are too many words on a page and too much content. I’m pretty sure that the book has more words than this review, which is a bad recipe in my opinion for a board book. And that content is well above the head of most of that age group. Personally, I feel that this title would work much better with children closer to 5 than 3. Personally, I would recommend buying a non-board version of this story and give it to children older than 3.
Review Copy Provided by Waterbrook Press